IABC-LA Learning Lounge: “Hack Your Life” with Demir Gjokaj, Productivity Expert and Founder of Lifehack Bootcamp

Webinar CA, United States

Spend your time and energy on the things that matter. Register below to watch our recorded Learning Lounge webinar from April 2015: "Hack Your Life" with Demir Gjokaj, founder of Lifehack Bootcamp, Demir shares an overview of current trends in lifehacking and productivity, plus actionable tips to find less stress, more freedom and more peace of […]


Career Development Roundtable: Sharing What Works (webinar)

Webinar (online)

Register below to watch our recorded Learning Lounge webinar from May 2015: "Career Development Roundtable: Sharing What Works." This webinar consisted of a lively discussion of what it takes to move ahead in our communications careers. Attendees shared their own goals and questions, as well as ideas and best practices. https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4928604118912664834 About the IABC-LA Learning Lounge IABC […]


Organizational Adaptability in a Complex World (webinar)

Webinar (online)

Register below to watch our recorded Learning Lounge webinar from June 2015: “Organizational Adaptability in a Complex World.” This webinar consisted of a conversation with Jeff Martindale and John Previtera from the McChrystal Group about improving communications and decision-making flows within any organization. Complexity necessitates a new operating model – one that allows organizations to understand the interdependencies […]


Strategic Planning: Fast and Fun (webinar)

Webinar (online)

Register below to watch our recorded Learning Lounge webinar with Barbara Fagan-Smith, CEO of ROI Communication, as she discusses how to make strategic planning fast, fun, creative and easy! Barbara shares how you can regularly leverage a simple strategic planning approach to ensure you’re spending your time on the right priorities, while solving problems efficiently and creatively. She takes us on […]


Social Business vs. Social Media: What’s the Difference and Why Does It Matter? (webinar)

Webinar (online)

Register below to watch our recorded Learning Lounge webinar with social business expert Justin Levy about the ongoing evolution of how social technologies are used, viewed and leveraged within organizations. Far from its origins as a simple and useful communication and networking tool, this area of our profession has grown into something much more powerful, with the potential to […]


Build Your Leadership Brand (webinar)

Webinar (online)

Register below to watch our recorded Learning Lounge webinar with Alison Davis, CEO and Founder of Davis & Company, about how to communicate your value persuasively and authentically. In these challenging times, it’s more important than ever for your talents and contributions to be recognized. That’s why it’s critical to define your leadership brand—the qualities that set […]


2021 Communication Management Pro Series: “Ethical and Unethical Crisis Management”

Join speaker Jim Lukaszewski, America’s Crisis Guru®, IABC Fellow and co-author of the Decency Code, as he speaks to “Ethical and Unethical Crisis Management.” Jim’s insights are drawn from a long career guiding C-suite executives through their greatest ethical dilemmas and crises. The content Jim will share demonstrates IABC’s Code of Ethics in action. Use […]
