by Nicole Maury | Nov 20, 2010 | Corporate Communications, Employee Communication, Events - Los Angeles, Marketing, Networking, PR, Professional Development, Social Media, Writing
November 17, 2010…IABC-LA presented Susan San Martin’s “Staying Relevant as a Communicator.” This event was graciously hosted by Ernst & Young in downtown Los Angeles, and coordinated by our talented chapter member T.J. Stevko. “Who is hiring?” “What skills are in...
by Nicole Maury | Feb 1, 2010 | Networking, Professional Development, Special Events
(L-R:) IABC-USC Executive Board: Lauren Schultz, Xiaochu Hu, Moqi Liu, Ashley Michaud, Carolyn Ray, Daniela Arellano; IABC-LA Board Members: Cheryl Farrell and T.J. Stevko Lilli Cloud of Blue Feet, and Susan San Martin, Plan B Communications guide IABC-USC students...