Two Los Angeles area business communicators are among the elite group of business communicators earning an Award of Merit in the 2012 “Make Your Mark” Silver Quill Award competition. The competition invites participation from more than 6,000 business communicators throughout the IABC Pacific Plains Region.
The Los Angeles area winners are as follows:
California Credit Union League
AMC 2011 Campaign – Turning Point
Category: Special Events – Internal or External
Crystal Shif
Southern California Edison
Inside Edison
Category: Publication Design
“We are proud to recognize a very select group of our colleagues who have made their mark by setting and meeting communications objectives that delivered significant, measurable results to their organizations,” said Ann Krzmarzick, ABC, IABC Silver Quill Awards chair. “They have shown that they use strategic thinking, creativity and ingenuity to get the job done.”
An IABC Kansas City expert panel of experienced judges, comprising Accredited Business Communicators (ABCs) and/or those who have earned IABC Quill awards, completed the evaluations for the 2012 Silver Quill Awards. The judging process sets a very high standard for entrants by using guidelines from the IABC Gold Quill Awards, the international recognition program for communicators.
All entrants receive valuable peer-to-peer feedback from the judges to enhance their future work. Winners also receive an engraved crystal award, public kudos and recognition of their work in a winners’ booklet. A complete winners’ list and examples of the award-winning work is available here.
The Pacific Plains Region of IABC supports the leaders and members of the region’s IABC chapters with resources and professional development opportunities. Pacific Plains embraces 20 chapters in 19 states from Wisconsin to Hawaii, from Arizona to North Dakota, including scores of members at large who live outside local chapter boundaries.
The region’s geographic sweep gives it a wide network of colleagues for sharing ideas, asking advice and celebrating successes. For more information on the Pacific Plains Region of IABC, visit , the Facebook page and Twitter feed.