Digital and social media have quickly become the dominant channel through which communicators work. Most communicators have learned the ropes by the seat of their pants; on-the-job training has been the order of the day.
But there is more to success than learning the ins and outs of a social network here and a content-sharing site there. As with any field of communication, best practices are taking shape and the means of measuring success are maturing. Shel Holtz, ABC and IABC Fellow, and Joe Thornley, CEO of Thornley-Fallis Public Relations, will walk participants through the beginning to the end of a comprehensive, actionable and measurable social media plan, in eight interactive sessions.
The series of eight learning modules include both a self-paced, asynchronous component along with a real-time online discussion of trends and issues. Sessions start on Jan. 17 and run through March 14. Participants will complete the weekly self-paced, online components on their own. They will meet every Thursday at noon, Pacific Time for an online, real-time, 60-minute discussion of each week’s module.
Find more information and register here.