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The Louisiana State Board of Nursing (LSBN) collaborative agreement is an essential document that outlines the responsibilities of advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) and their collaborating physicians in providing healthcare services to patients in Louisiana. This agreement is a requirement for APRNs who are licensed to practice in the state.

The main purpose of the collaborative agreement is to ensure that the APRN and the collaborating physician work together to provide high-quality healthcare services to patients. The agreement outlines the scope of practice for the APRN, the role of the collaborating physician, and the procedures for developing and updating the agreement.

The LSBN requires that the APRN and the collaborating physician establish a collaborative relationship before the APRN can begin practicing. The agreement must be signed by both parties and include a description of the APRN`s scope of practice, the collaborating physician`s role, and the procedures for communication and consultation.

The collaborative agreement also outlines the procedures for updating the agreement. Both parties must review the agreement at least annually and make changes as needed. The LSBN requires that the updated agreement is submitted to the board for approval.

The LSBN enforces the collaborative agreement to ensure that APRNs are practicing within their scope of practice and that patients receive safe and effective healthcare services. The board may investigate any complaints or violations of the agreement and take disciplinary action if necessary.

In conclusion, the Louisiana State Board of Nursing collaborative agreement is a vital document that outlines the responsibilities of APRNs and their collaborating physicians. It ensures that patients receive high-quality healthcare services and that APRNs practice within their scope of practice. Any APRN practicing in Louisiana must have a collaborative agreement with a physician in place before they can begin practicing.