by Nicole Maury | Jun 7, 2013 | Chapter News, Events, Events - Los Angeles, News, Professional Development
Nicole Maury kicks off the “IABC Los Angeles Diverse Storytellers” video series featuring board members, past chapter presidents and chapter members. Bringing insights about our chapter from a Los Angeles niche perspective, the video series aims to bring...
by Nicole Maury | May 20, 2013 | Chapter News, Events, Events - Los Angeles, News, Professional Development
Standing in a circle for an improv exercise, pointing to a peer across from you, and waiting for a “Yes” from them before walking across the circle to take his or her place doesn’t take a lot of brains. Yet it did for me, because I wanted the...
by Nicole Maury | May 10, 2013 | News
After Mike Spasoff and I attended Leadership Institute in February and welcomed new board members, we’ve spearheaded our new board’s strategic planning for 2013-2016 to refresh and align with IABC headquarters’ 21st century vision of IABC as a global flagship brand....
by Nicole Maury | May 10, 2013 | Events, Events - Los Angeles, Networking, News
If Los Angeles is the land of film-esque lighting, cool props and walking into different worlds, then Big Foot West proved to be a welcome departure from florescent-lit cubicles of the work-a-day world. Over cocktails, filling appetizers and under dozens of elk...
by IABCLAAdmin | Mar 26, 2013 | News
CEOs and other executives might understand that communication is important, but they may not see what impact it is has on the business, or the value of their own communication efforts. In CW Radio episode #26, author Alison Davis talks about how to use five kinds of...
by IABCLAAdmin | Mar 14, 2013 | Chapter News, News
What’s the key to teamwork, communication and creative problem solving? Learn the trick used by every professional actor and comedy whiz. In this two-hour workshop, you’ll learn “The Improv Trick,” from Bill Chott. Bill’s interactive seminar will get you on your feet...