by IABCLAAdmin | Feb 16, 2011 | Chapter News, Member News, News
As an IABC member, you know the benefits of belonging to a worldwide network of communication professionals. Why not help our network grow by encouraging your friends and colleagues to join IABC-LA. When they join in March, we’ll waive their application fee. It gets...
by IABCLAAdmin | Feb 11, 2011 | Events, Events - Los Angeles, Networking, News
This year the IABC LA volunteer Board decided to include two networking events completely FREE to members as an experiment. Members pay $55 a year and we thought it made sense to give some of it directly back by fully funding some events. Our first networking event...
by IABCLAAdmin | Jan 17, 2011 | Chapter News, Professional Development
Bill Spaniel, ABC, is coordinating the writing category entries for the 2011 IABC Gold Quill Awards and invites you to be part of the judging panel for 2011. The panel will conduct judging from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Feb. 12 in Santa Clarita, Calif. Should judging not...
by IABCLAAdmin | Jan 13, 2011 | Events, Events - Los Angeles, Networking, News
Happy New Year! Get a jump on your resolutions by joining us for our first IABC/LA event of 2011. We’ll be at redwhite+bluezz in Pasadena, the city the world turns to every January to ring in the new year. This is an IABC/LA “After Dark” no-host...
by IABCLAAdmin | Jan 6, 2011 | Events, Events - online, News, Professional Development
Did you know that IABC International offers a series of free webinars to members? I figured you might have missed it, as there is such a wealth of information available. Here’s the schedule as it stands today and the link IABC International page: Communicating...
by Nicole Maury | Dec 19, 2010 | Events - Los Angeles, Networking, News, Special Events
IABC-LA’s annual holiday teas have been truly lovely and held in beautiful tearooms over the last few years…however, there was a chalk mark drawn around the still body of the tea concept this year in favor of something entirely new…and unique: A Holiday Murder...