FREE Webinar – The Rise of the Millennials: Transforming the Enterprise Through Gamification

Webinar CA, United States

Free webinar for IABC-LA members. May 14, 2014 at 9:00am PDT New! IABC is piloting making our free-to-members webinars available to non-members for $100 Gabe Zichermann, Founder and CET of Dopamine and Gamification Co., Conference Chair, Gamification Summit Some leading organizations are realizing the power of gamification to enhance work, reaping spectacular increases in productivity, […]

IABCLA Book Exchange

Urth Caffé 594 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, CA

Bring a book that helped you in your comms career. Go home with a new book that made a difference in another communicator’s career. We’ll supply the morning coffee and refreshments. What will you bring? Maybe it’s the AP Style Guide that clarified your written communication or Beyond Bullet Points, Cliff Atkinson’s book on visual […]


It’s Not a Marketing Exercise: Understanding Privilege’s Impact on Inclusive Brand Campaigns

Appealing to our target audience is a tried-and-true marketing strategy — but what happens when our privilege blinds us to the inclusive needs of that audience? Join Beverly Durham, co-executive director of ColorComm, Los Angeles, and IABCLA board members, Farida Habeeb and Karen Trachtenberg, for an interactive, one-hour session on how marketers can ensure that […]


2021 Communication Management Pro Series: “Ethical and Unethical Crisis Management”

Join speaker Jim Lukaszewski, America’s Crisis Guru®, IABC Fellow and co-author of the Decency Code, as he speaks to “Ethical and Unethical Crisis Management.” Jim’s insights are drawn from a long career guiding C-suite executives through their greatest ethical dilemmas and crises. The content Jim will share demonstrates IABC’s Code of Ethics in action. Use […]


Communications Lab

Join us for a fast-paced midday chat about communications topics. Let’s share issues, insights and perspectives on the fast changing landscape of comms. Whitley Crawford will host the first session of 2021 on Friday, January 29 at 12 p.m. via Zoom. Whitley owns a marketing company that places freelancers in small and medium-sized businesses. Learn more […]


Communication Management Pro Series: “Communication Strategy: Up Your Game”

Are you respected as a strategic player? Maybe it's time to "Up Your Game!" IABC San Diego will host "Communication Strategy: Up Your Game." Cason Lane, ABC, who's spent 25 years in strategic communications, will discuss the anatomy of a communications strategy. He'll explore what separates strategic thinkers from tactical ones, and provide real world […]

$5 – $10

Communication Management Pro Series: “Framework for Developing a Communications Plan”

Join us as we dive into how proper research, strategy tactics, and measurement can ensure success. Don’t rely on gut feelings and conjecture.  Michele Landry will host “Framework for Developing a Communications Plan.” She's the CEO and owner of Tanis Communications, Inc. in Mountain View, California. Michele has more than 25 years of experience in strategic communications, […]

$5 – $10

Communication Management Pro Series: “Master the Three Principles of Audience-Centric Communication”

By taking a deep dive into your stakeholders, you'll be able to create campaigns that will inspire audiences. Whether you’re preparing for a certification exam or simply want to take your work to the next level, you’ll want to master the three principles of audience-centric communication: engagement, context, and consistency. By taking a deep dive into […]

$5 – $10

Speed Mentoring: Make Connections That Count

Attend quick-fire professional speed mentoring with experienced communications professionals! About this event Looking to give or receive communications advice? Does your communications network need a refresh? Could you use a job tip? The San Francisco International Association of Business Communicators (SF IABC) offers a unique opportunity to participate in a speed mentoring event with communications […]

Members/Students: FREE; NonMembers: Donation