Get 3 free months added to your membership year and grow your chapter’s membership by recruiting a new corporate membership in March.
Members who recruit a new corporate membership (group of 5 or more from the same company on the same renewal cycle) during the month of March will get three free months of membership for each new corporate package recruited, up to a full year of complimentary membership. All chapter and region volunteers are eligible for this promotion.
Promotion begins on March 1, 2012 and ends on March 31, 2012.
Here are the rules:
1. The referring member must refer the company and a point of contact within that company to Marie Coppola at IABC Headquarters: Marie will send a quote to the company point of contact for a group membership of 5 or more.
2. If payment is received for 5 or more members in a new corporate package from 1 March to 31 March 2012, the referring member gets 3 free months of membership.
3. The limit to this promotion is one full year of free membership. Lifetime members (e.g., 500 Club members) can donate their free months to a member of their choice.
4. The corporate package must be new and not renewing.
5. The corporate package may include both current and new members (IABC prorates dues of current members to get them on the same renewal cycle).
6. Members in the same corporate package may be in any location.
7. IABC accepts separate credit cards from individuals or cost centers for payment for a corporate package.
Please email Marie Coppola at
Marie Coppola
IABC Membership Development Director
IABC Headquarters
San Francisco