The IABCLA board held a planning retreat on June 11.

The IABCLA board reviewed the chapter’s accomplishments during the first half of the year and began planning the remainder of 2019 at its semiannual retreat on June 11. 

Looking back at the last six months, our group has much to be proud of. We fulfilled our mission: “to heighten the skills, reputation and talents of the community through human connection. We do this by welcoming and inspiring LA’s professional communicators with targeted professional development events and honest conversations.” 

Between January and June, our chapter held several professional development functions  — a Dine & Discuss, two Coffee Connections, and a case study. Discussion topics included “Brand Building in a Digital World,” “PR in the Digital Age,” and “Navigating the Comms Job Market in LA.” We also held a Spring Mixer where guests networked at a popular bistro.  

In addition, we’re constantly looking for new ways to share chapter information and ideas. We now distribute a monthly newsletter — email Grant Skakun at to subscribe. And, we’ve added an Instagram account — @IABCLosAngeles. Please follow us! 

Several ideas were discussed at the retreat, and we’ll continue to have a full schedule of activities between now and December. Look for reoccurring favorites like Coffee Connection and Dine & Discuss, as well as new happenings. We will, of course, continue to reach out to members and nonmembers and strengthen ties with communicators at all levels of their careers. 

To learn about the very latest, please continue to visit this site and follow us on social media: 
▪ Facebook: @IABCLosAngeles
▪ Twitter: @IABCLosAngeles
▪ Instagram: @IABCLosAngeles

Thank you! IABCLA could not thrive without YOUR support and participation!