by IABCLAAdmin | Sep 21, 2020
Appealing to our target audience is a tried-and-true marketing strategy — but what happens when our privilege blinds us to the inclusive needs of that audience? Join Beverly Durham, co-executive director of ColorComm, Los Angeles, and IABCLA board members, Farida...
by IABCLAAdmin | Apr 11, 2020 | Board News, Chapter News, Member Profiles, News
Eli Natinsky is IABCLA’s vice president/president-elect. He works closely with the chapter’s president and its other leaders to ensure the group is operating efficiently. His various duties include creating board discussion agendas and distributing meeting...
by IABCLAAdmin | Sep 26, 2019 | Chapter News, Events, Events - Los Angeles, External Events, Networking, News, Special Events
The “Give One, Get One” Book Exchange on September 21 at Urth Caffe in Pasadena fostered a lively conversation about great ideas in comms across various media. The books we exchanged covered political communications and community building, why some ideas...
by IABCLAAdmin | Aug 21, 2019
Bring a book that helped you in your comms career. Go home with a new book that made a difference in another communicator’s career. We’ll supply the morning coffee and refreshments. What will you bring? Maybe it’s the AP Style Guide that clarified your written...
by IABCLAAdmin | Jun 26, 2019 | Board News, Chapter News, News
The IABCLA board held a planning retreat on June 11. The IABCLA board reviewed the chapter’s accomplishments during the first half of the year and began planning the remainder of 2019 at its semiannual retreat on June 11. Looking back at the last six months, our...